Email Personalization: Pushing it Beyond Hello {First Name}
Updated: 2024-05-31 18:55:15
: Members Contact Blog Email Personalization : Pushing it Beyond Hello First Name Posted by Shannon Fuldauer on Sep 15, 2013 6:10:00 AM Tweet Late last week , I found myself with 114 new emails in my inbox . Not unusual , but not wonderful to wake up to . But there was one that really caught my eye . The email was from J.Crew , and the subject line read , âEasiest wedding ever â two steps to the perfect bridal party.â As a recently engaged bride-to-be , knee deep in wedding planning mode , my curiosity took over and I opened the . email This was the only email of the bunch I opened . And I am sure I donâ t need to tell you what happened to the remaining 113 insert evil laugh here So what made that email so unique it avoided the dreaded trash folder Well it just so happens that